Welcome to Kristinahallen at 6 pm tonight. We will continue until 7:30 pm and divide the participants into age groups if needed. For this to succeed, it is desirable that you register via SuomiSport, so it will be easier to check how many are on their way!
We have planned to run two trainings a week this season, Wednesdays 6-7:30 pm and Sundays 5-6:30 pm, we have not yet decided if we divide the participants into different days or different times, but we adjust this when we see how many actually show up.
Participation costs 25 € / term and the equipment needed, besides indoor shoes, shorts and t-shirt, you can borrow. We have clubs and protective goggles – and goalkeeper equipment in the hall – ready for use. Those who have registered via SuomiSport are insured through the association, we have redeemed a group insurance for the participants.
We go through the use of SuomiSport for those who need while the juniors train!